No Other Foundation!

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

2014 Acts 1:8 Conference (October 5–8)

Conference Messages

No Other Foundation

Acts 1:8 Conference - October 2014

A Message from Pastor Mark

There is a tremendous sense of fulfillment when we do what we are purposed and called to do. When an individual finds that purpose and they focus their energy in thought, heart, will and strength, the results are beautiful and great to witness. The church must be the same way. First Bible Baptist Church is going deeper in its focus to fulfill the mission we are purposed and called by God to do.

We are to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of our community … and beyond!

Jesus Christ is stated to be the head of the body and the preeminent focus in all the church endeavors to accomplish in Colossians 1:18. Everything we undertake in the mission must stand upon the living Word and be built upon all that He has already fulfilled in His mission. Jesus Christ is enough and there is No Other Foundation!

In 1 Corinthians 3:9–11, God clearly states that according to His grace we have everything in Christ to build upon. There is powerful instruction in the New Testament that outlines everything we are to live and fulfill in our time on this earth. When the church assembles as soldiers, farmers and athletes, there is an incomparable bond formed in the team. This bond can be very formidable in carrying out the one true mission for the world to believe on the name of Jesus Christ.

The invitation is a proclamation and challenge from God to us all: ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. The time is now and our focus must be completely on the mission we are purposed and called to fulfill. Please make sure you RSVP with a definite “Yes, I will attend the Acts 1:8 Conference” as we press forward together to fulfill the mission God has given First Bible Baptist Church.

Our Acts 1:8 challenge continues upon our foundation—the Lord Jesus Christ!

Conference Schedule

Sunday, October 5th

8:30 & 10:00 am

  • Special Speaker: George Grace (Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church)

12 Noon

  • Lunch for the First Bible Leadership Team & family in the Fellowship Hall (Olive Garden® soup, salad and dessert)

5:30 pm

  • Special Guest: Brian Clark (This Is London)
  • Special Speaker: George Grace (Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church)
  • First Bible Baptist Church: Ordination Ceremony for Randy Adams
  • Ordination reception with cake after the service in the Fellowship Hall

Monday, October 6th

5:00–6:30 pm

  • Potluck Dinner for guest speakers and Elementum ABC

7:00 pm

  • Special Guest: David Guadrón (MetroAmerica 020—Vida Nueva, Colombia)
  • Special Speaker: George Grace (Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church)

Tuesday, October 7th

5:00–6:30 pm

  • Potluck Dinner for guest speakers, Awaken ABC/Gravity

7:00 pm

  • Special Guest: Manuel Estebané (Iglesia Bautista del Valle—Juárez, Mexico)
  • Special Speaker: George Grace (Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church)

Wednesday, October 8th

5:00–6:30 pm

  • Potluck Dinner for guest speakers and 98six ABC

7:00 pm

  • Special Guest: Bryon Callaway (IAM Ministries—Zambia, Africa)
  • Special Speaker: George Grace (Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church)

Please note: There will be special music each evening by Aaron Estebané.

Acts 1:8 Children’s Conference

Join Larry and Charlotte Franklin in Faith Place each evening (Kindergarten–5th grade)


Childcare will be provided each evening (newborn–preschool)

Potluck Dinner

Fellowship with the missionaries and guests for each ABC on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:00–6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Special Speakers for ABCs (Sunday, October 5th)

  • Elementum ABC—David Guadrón
  • Awaken ABC/Gravity—Manuel Estebané
  • 98six ABC—Brian Clark

Bearing Precious Seed Project

Bearing Precious Seed Ministry

Help us assemble 50,000 Spanish John/Romans on October 6–8 in the Fellowship Hall. We will be working each day in the morning (9 am–12 Noon) and afternoon (1 pm–4 pm). Join us as often as you wish . . . your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Special Guest: George Grace

Senior Pastor, First Bible Baptist Church (Rochester, NY)

George Grace, Special Guest Speaker
Pastor George Grace and his wife Penny trusted Jesus Christ as their Savior in the late summer of 1972, as a result of the faithful witness of a member of the First Bible Baptist Church, the church he now pastors. Many wonderful people befriended the Graces at FBBC, and they soon became integrally involved in the ministry here.

While attending a Bus Conference hosted by Jerry Falwell in Lynchburg, VA, George felt the burden of the Lord to surrender to full-time service. With no promise of compensation, George resigned from Kodak and joined the church staff in March of 1973 as Bus Pastor. When Pastor Mullen, the church’s founding pastor, resigned in October, 1973, James Modlish was called as pastor, and George became the Youth Pastor, along with his other duties serving as director of the church’s summer camp, Circle Seven Ranch. Pastor George became the Associate Pastor in 1981. When Pastor Modlish resigned in 1983, George was called to be the Pastor and celebrated his 30th Anniversary with First Bible in 2013.

Through the leadership and staff of FBBC, God has called hundreds of men and women to the Gospel ministry and First Bible Baptist Church has grown in “grace and truth” to the position of influence in our community that we now enjoy. That influence extends beyond our community; First Bible’s global presence is seen in the hundred-plus missionary families, individuals and organizations around the world supported by our mission dollars, including over twenty-five missionary families and individuals sent out of our own church.

Thousands of people attend the church’s Christmas Celebration each year. Hundreds of children participate in our Athletic Ministries and hundreds of people come to know Jesus Christ
as their personal Savior each year. FBBC truly is a place in our community where people can experience and worship God and “ordinary people are turned into fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ!”

Pastor and Penny celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary on January 27, 2013. They have raised
five children: Chris, Kelly, Jeff, Scott, and Stephanie, all faithfully worshiping and serving God at FBBC. They are the proud “owners” of ten grandchildren.

Currently Supported Missionaries

Yea God, what a world impact!

  • Samar Abraham—Arabs
  • Larry & Tammy Allred—Merida, Mexico
  • Dennis Anderson—Botswana, Africa
  • Rodolfo Avendano—Costa Rica
  • Steve & Ally Baker—Spain
  • BEAMS—Gulfport, Mississippi
  • Bearing Precious Seed—Milford, Ohio
  • Ryan Blackstock—El Salvador
  • Felix Canizalez—Nicaragua
  • Bryan Clark—London, England
  • Brian Collins—Zambia, Africa
  • Manuel Estabané—Juárez, Mexico
  • Bud Everett—China
  • Faith Comes By Hearing—Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Larry & Charlotte Franklin—I.C.M.E.
  • Rick Friesen—Manna Worldwide
  • Johannes Getaneh—Deaf–Zambia, Africa
  • David Guadrón—Vida Nueva, Colombia
  • Herbert Handal—Macedonia
  • Bill & Jennifer Hildebrand—Kenya, Africa
  • Sazan Hoxhaj—Albania
  • Goran & Gina Hunjak—Victory in Soccer
  • IAM Ministries—Sub-Sahara Africa
  • Dan & Jan Jalowiec—Zambia, Africa
  • Steve & Pam Kern—El Salvador
  • Taulant Kreci—Albania
  • The Little Red Book—Rochester, New York
  • David & Pam Loveland—Taiwan
  • Maithili Alliance—India
  • Jim Mehl—Ethiopia, Africa
  • Kevin & Savannah Pestke—Zambia, Africa
  • Gene & Sue Purtle—Prison Ministry
  • Nelson Rivas—Guatemala
  • John Sarra—Zambia, Africa
  • Don Sidebottom—Retired–Ethiopia, Africa
  • Jimmy & Julie Tsoukalas—Deaf–Zambia, Africa
  • Greg & Leisa Tyler—Houston Texans
  • Bob Weston—Jamaica
  • Mickey Weston—UPI, Baseball Chapel

Brian and Mindy Clark

Missionaries: This Is London

Brian and Mindy ClarkMindy grew up in the small town of Marshfield, Missouri. She had the most traditional middle-America upbringing you could imagine: godly parents, church every Sunday, good values embraced by some of the kindest people you would ever want to meet. It was at the age of seven that Mindy received Jesus Christ and committed her life to serve him. At the age of 19 she moved to Springfield where she met her husband Brian; and in 2004 this small town girl found herself in London of all places. It was here that she gave birth to four beautiful children. In addition to being an excellent mother, Mindy has assisted Brian in planting their first church, Crossroads Baptist Church. She is actively involved in sharing the gospel, discipleship and “Big Church” our children’s ministry. Mindy also manages all the administrative needs for “This is London.”

Like Mindy, Brian also gave his life to Jesus when he was seven years old; and from that moment it has been his life long ambition to preach the gospel and plant churches around the world. His father Gene Clark and his grandfather Clifford molded his love for Christ; but Brian’s love for teaching the Bible began with his Sunday School teacher “Doc” Hicks. At the age of seven Doc got him teaching in front of the class and Brian has been teaching ever since. God has called Brian and Mindy to be church planters in the great city of London and has given them a vision to turn London into a launchpad for world missions.

Manuel and Martha Estebané

Missionaries: Juárez, Mexico

Manuel and Martha EstebanéBorn in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, Mexico, on September 13, 1957, Manuel was saved at the age of 14, and began ministry for the Lord by the age of 15. He received his Biblical education at the Instituto Bautista Calvario, in Cuauhtémoc.

Pastor Estebané has been married to Martha for 33 years. They have two married children and are grandparents of five grandchildren with one more on the way.

In 1980, Templo Bautista Calvario, in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, called Manuel to be the Senior Pastor where he continued to serve for over twenty years. God moved Pastor Estebané and his family to Lee`s Summit, MO, to establish a Hispanic Ministry at LSBT for four years, while working at Lenexa Baptist Church with the Hispanics.

It was in April 30, 2006 that Manuel Estebané became the Senior Pastor of IBV in Juárez City. The church had serious problems in all aspects, but they decided to take the challenge, with God`s direction, to “right the ship.” However, in 2008, war broke out between drug cartels. Horrible crimes, chaos, panic invaded Juárez, being considered the most violent city of the world for three consecutive years. Journalists from around the world, reporters, and writers came to the city to write what was happening. People decide to leave the city, and the church became very unstable because church members also moved to other cities. By 2012, the delinquency decreased considerably, and the church began to rise with the hope of better times. We deeply appreciate your love, prayers and support for this ministry.

David and Carolina Guadrón

Missionaries: Vida Nueva, Colombia

David and Carolina GuadronDavid, born August 11, 1978, was the second son to Raul and Martita Guadrón. His childhood was happy but without Jesus. One day when David’s mother’s religion no longer met her spiritual needs she began a hungry search for God. At this very same time an uncle invited the entire family to a Christian church. They heard and received the gospel and were converted from darkness to glorious light. On July 2, 1989, David, as a child, together with his whole family, gave their lives to Christ. Since that day they have walked with the Lord and have appreciated the opportunities to serve Him.

A few years later David and his family faced the most difficult trial to this day: Raul Jr., the first born son of the family, died very unexpectedly on Thursday December 2, 1999. Raul Jr., David’s best friend, was just 23, a mature believer serving the Lord, a university student just about to graduate and an exemplary son. Raul died from a cerebral aneurysm which ruptured; he never had a single symptom. This brought indescribable suffering to the family, as well as indescribable comfort from God through His Holy Spirit and His Word. They learned how REAL and totally AMAZING is our Hope in Glory! In this context David and his family became members of Iglesia Bautista Vida Nueva in San Salvador. There they found the place God had prepared for them to serve and grow in Him.

David married Carolina on December 17, 2004. Together they are blessed to be raising their three precious children: Raúl Jr., David Jr., and Camila Abigail.

In 2006 the Lord called David to leave his secular job as an information manager in a Salvadorian business and dedicate himself to full-time ministry. It was through this call that he became part of the ministerial team at Vida Nueva. His first position, in January of 2006, was Operational Director of Ministries. In June of 2008, he became Vida Nueva’s Youth Pastor, caring for the youth from Junior High age to College and Career. During that time David discovered the potential in so many youth. In January 2009, he added all the responsibilities of being the Hotel Campus Pastor to his plate. In this position David realized the tremendous need that couples and families have to be pastored, cared for, and discipled.

David’s heart’s desire is to bear much fruit for God’s glory. His favorite Bible verse is John 15:16 which God used to call him into full time ministry. “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

Bryon and Tammy Callaway

Missionaries: Zambia, Africa

Bryon and Tammy CallawayBryon Callaway came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior in November of 1999. Less than one year after his salvation God opened a door for him to go on a mission trip to the country of El Salvador. It was on this trip that God gave him a passion for foreign missions. Between 2000 and 2007 he was able to go on trips to various countries in Central America.

These trips only strengthened and confirmed what God was doing in his life. In 2007 he felt that God was calling him to the mission field but in this same year God would show him that there was more that He wanted him to learn so God shelved missions in his life. In 2007 while on a trip to Merida, Mexico, God showed him that there was another area of ministry that He wanted him to be a part of. While on this trip it became very clear to him that God was opening a doorway for him to minister to children. Knowing that God had called him to the foreign mission field he humbly went forward on the path that God placed in front of him.

In 2009, he was hired on staff as the Children’s Director and it was there where God continued to train him up on how to be the servant that Christ was desiring for him to be. While ministering to children God allowed him to continue to go on mission trips. Bryon was content with being a children’s minister but knew that the call on his life as a foreign missionary had never left.
He still believed that he would one day be sent out as a missionary to Central America but that all changed through the testimony of two missionaries. In 2011 at First Bible Baptist’s missions conference, Bobby Bonner and John Sarra presented the work and a great need for workers in Zambia Africa. It was here that God redirected his heart. He has been able to visit Zambia in 2012, 2013 and 2014. During this period of time God has confirmed that this is where He wants him and his family to minister.

Bryon met his wife, Tammy, at First Bible Baptist in 1999. They have four children: Tonya, Loren, Aubrey and Titus. His desire is to not only see people accept Christ as their savior but also that they may be conformed to the very image of Christ. Their family has claimed Ephesians 3:20 — Now unto
him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us… It is God who is able, it is us who must be willing.

Larry and Charlotte Franklin

International children’s missionary enterprises (I.C.M.E.)

Larry and Charlotte FranklinLarry and Charlotte Franklin have been serving full-time for the last 45 years and have taught over 100,000 Sunday School teachers and spoken to over a million children. “My wife and I have been conducting Practical Teacher Training Seminars for the past 25 years,” says Larry. “We have traveled throughout the U.S. and been in 36 different countries around the world training teachers in local churches.” As the Franklins traveled, they saw the dedication of teachers and felt their frustration in not knowing how to teach their own students. Since children can remember much of what they see, hear, say or do, teachers need visuals to help teach them. God put it into their hearts to use what He had given them through 40 years of local church children’s ministry experiences.

Thus International Children’s Missionary Enterprises (I.C.M.E.) was born. The local church-generated ministry resulted from their concern for the children and the lack of basic materials in other parts of the world. Their Gospel tract, A Clean Heart for You, has been printed in six languages with over 750,000 published. Their children’s discipleship booklet (available in English and Spanish) has been widely distributed.

After the Acts 1:8 Conference

Commitment Cards

On Sunday, October 12th, we will be collecting the No Other Foundation Commitment Cards
and having the Lord’s Supper in both morning services. Please join us!

Missionary Guest Goran Hunjak – July 24th

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

Victory In SoccerGoran Hunjak card

July 24th in the Fellowship Hall

Join us for a special evening as we welcome local favorite Goran Hunjak and the Victory In Soccer Ministry.


Read Goran’s testimony at and rejoice in the great things God has done with this former soccer star. As Goran states, “I no longer live form myself, or follow the world’s ways in life. Now, I live to please my Saviour Jesus Christ.”

Victory In Soccer Mission Statement

Victory Through Jesus Sports Ministry’s mission is to see churches both in the United States and in other countries utilize soccer as an evangelism and discipleship tool; Connecting the community to a Bible teaching church through Soccer and Fitness; Sharing the Love of Jesus Christ.

We go “Beyond the Goal” developing disciplines used by professional athletes. These disciplines when applied to our relationship with Christ will help us to live an abundant and fulfilling life of “Victory Through Jesus Christ.”

Victory Soccer Camp values the disciplines that make an athlete successful and teaches how to apply them to our daily lives. We have created an atmosphere to encourage children to score a victorious Christian life. We utilize Bible stories and testimonials from athletes that illustrate in a way attainable to the campers own lives.

Learn more about Goran and the Victory In Soccer ministry on their website.

Contreras Missions Letter (February 2013)

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in MetroAmerica 020, Missions

February 2013


What a year!

2012 was a very busy year for GNIA. So busy in fact, we haven’t sent out a newsletter in 5 months. Time flies when you are busy, but time fl­ies faster when your God is moving to expand his kingdom and transform lives. So many awesome things happened last year. I don’t even know where to begin. We saw over 13,000 professions of faith in our evangelistic outreach trips to Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, and of course in El Salvador. We are infinitely grateful to the more than 300 people who traveled from the US to do their part in helping GNIA fulfill and live the Great Commission. It’s hard for Pam and I to believe sometimes that in the 27 years we have been in El Salvador, we have had the blessing of seeing over 300,000 people make professions of faith, and have helped start 55 churches, none of which would have been possible without your faithful and loving financial support, and prayers. We know that God has worked in the hearts of those who give, and have blessed GNIA because of the faithfulness of those who support us. God is such an amazing God, that he not only gives us salvation, but allows us to be a part of the expanding of His kingdom.

Since 2010, we have started the year off with our Koinoinia service where we bring all of our campuses together and meet in the same place. It is amazing to see the wonderful hand of God in New Life Baptist Church, and the growth that God has allowed in our home church throughout the years. We now have over 1,100 adults and 300 children attending regularly on Sundays. It was a great service, and a great time of fellowship for our church as Julio presented our vision for the next 7 years, which we have called 20/20 vision. Julio has written an article for our newsletter describing this concept in more detail.

We have also officially welcomed our new campus in Apopa. We have always had a heart for Apopa, which is a bedroom community suburb of 300,000 people just north of San Salvador, and welcome this opportunity with great joy. With Leo Humphrey, we helped plant this church (Good News Baptist Church) over 20 years ago, so this church has always held a special spot in our heart, and we are amazed to see God’s hand as he allows us to welcome it as the newest campus. Lance Grush, a great friend and partner in the ministry, was the pastor of this church until he felt led to move on to different ministries, and so while it is with a heavy heart that Apopa sees him move on, we are encouraged with the future as we know that this is a part of God’s plan for New Life. We already had our first outreach activity there, and in Lourdes the first week of January with Copper Springs Baptist church of Fresno, CA and Valley Baptist Church of Bakersfield, CA. We had the blessing of witnessing over 650 professions of faith, and have already seen 80 people visit us during our follow up activities. As you can see, 2012 was an amazing year for GNIA, and an even more amazing year for Gods Kingdom. Thank you for your support and your prayers, and thank you for being an intricate part of Gods plan for Latin America!

20/20 VISION By: Julio Contreras

On January 27 we had our first KOINONIA of 2013…the four campuses meeting under the same roof: Miralvalle, Crowne Plaza, Lourdes y Apopa. How do I summarize? … Hmmm … full house, enthusiastic praise, over­flowing joy, financial reporting, the well-deserved recognition of Lance Grush (for his 14 years of ministry in Apopa) and of five talented youth (Bayron, Fernando, Erick, Samuel and Juan) who work with youth and music at each of our campuses … and finally the beginning of the study of Ezra, which helped us to establish the vision that will guide us over the next 7 years; we call it “20/20 vision”. We have adopted a new and simple Vision statement: “Hagamos que nuestro mundo conozca a Jesucristo (Let’s get our world to know Jesus Christ)”

Over the next eight years we will continue “whole heartedly” doing the things that have worked for us these last two decades, but it is our dream to focus on some new things, we need to “put more energy into our system” … more volunteers, more ministers, more workers. The challenge is clear … in our church, and in every church, you’re either a spectator or a participant. What are the new emphasis?

1. The other half: working with children and youth.

We are a very young country, and region. Half of Salvadorans are under 22 and a half … more than a third haven’t reached 14. A child is much more sensitive to the gospel and the Word than an adult. In the coming years we will invest financial resources, time, talent and interests in developing outreach and discipleship ministries for children and youth. Expect to see, little by little, gradual changes in the way we do ministry among the other half of Salvadorans. We already have some new strategies “in the oven.”

2. The complete whole: the unreached segments of society.

At least, unreached by Vida Nueva. We recognize that we have won many people to Christ through the Judgment House and evangelistic activities in the streets. But there are some who will never know Jesus Christ unless we are creative in our methods and specific in our attempts. Expect more activities with less people and more focused on specific groups in the coming years.

3. Completing Multisite.

Right now, we have four campuses and 10 church services during the week. But the campuses are far from what that will become. Over the next few years, we want to renovate the infrastructure of our campuses in Miralvalle and Apopa (as has we have done in Lourdes) and improve our methods of leadership and pastoral care at all of our campuses. Clearly, we will need more leaders and workers. Also, it is likely that by 2020 we will have added one or two more campuses… why not?!

4. More MetroAmérica 020.

Self-sustainability is the key word … both in our current churches and also in the churches we will start in the future. Bogotá is the next work-in 2014 – if God wills. Then, between 2014 and 2020 the goal is to establish four more churches in the region … we do not know in which cities. But this will require more than 8 missionary couples … that must be won to the Lord, trained, formed, tested, sent and then replaced by others that will take their place in San Salvador. A huge challenge!

Will it be easy? No… I don’t think so.

But I think our God is great and has given us the necessary resources to accomplish what He is asking us to do. We can’t, but God can, and He wants to use us. It’s only necessary, as we saw in Ezra 1, that our spirit be awakening to the vision.

Exciting. Overwhelming. Challenging.

I don’t believe that the Christian life should be less than that.

Let’s get our world to know Jesus Christ. Period


The week after our Koinoinia service, we dedicated our new auditorium in Lourdes. It was an exciting event, as close to 400 adult’s filled the auditorium to celebrate a brand new chapter in the life of New Life Baptist Church. I had the privilege of preaching, and took advantage of this great opportunity to start my series on the book of Exodus. As I preached Exodus 1, I couldn’t help but see the application for our Lourdes campus as we had an extremely tough year of trials but witnessed the incredible power and faithfulness of God in the midst of them. As you will remember from previous newsletters, a huge black cloud hung over the campus exactly a year ago. Due to huge economic problems, we had to choose between selling our mission’s property or absorb the mission as a campus. After agonizing prayer for months, God showed Alex and Chitty (the pastors of the mission) and Julio and I that the best solution was absorbing the mission.

I’ll never forget the discouragement that everybody felt but also the conviction that we had to follow God’s will. It’s incredible what God has done! No sooner had we made the decision and sent Koky out to Lourdes as the campus pastor and Je Rhoades to help him in evangelism and growth, a man appeared out of nowhere and asked us about the work. We explained what had happened and he loaned us the money for property and 0 % interest and helped us with the church property. Others contributed and pretty soon, we were able to complete a church building that seats 400 for the glory of God. The mission had gone to less than 100 adults in attendance but now has doubled in one year to 200 adults. God has been incredible. In Exodus 1, I pointed out that only God can makes us prosper in the midst of trials. But, we need to be committed, as the nation of Israel was in Egypt, to bearing fruit for the Glory of God. Lourdes is a modern day miracle that testifies to the greatness of God.

2012 was an AWESOME year for MetroAmerica 020, as many of the 13,000 professions of faith we witnessed came from our outreaches in Nicaragua, Guatemala and Costa Rica. We had a fantastic outreach in November in Guatemala as FBC Gulf Shores in Alabama and Valley Baptist Church in California helped us with our annual VBS outreach. We saw more than 400 professions of faith between the morning VBS activity, a youth soccer clinic with Goran Hunjak, and our nighttime campaigns. I had the opportunity of preaching a follow up service on prophecy, taking advantage of the interest created by the Mayan calendar ending on December 21, 2012, and saw more than 170 adults in attendance, some of which had been reached in the November outreach activity. We also had an awesome trip the second week of January in Guatemala with Faith Baptist Church of Youngsville, NC and saw over 300 people make professions of faith. We targeted a completely different area of Guatemala City during this trip, and the exciting news is that due to the receptiveness we encountered, we are going to be opening up a new campus in this area. We also made a trip to Managua, Nicaragua in December with Richland Creek Baptist Church, and again received the blessing of witnessing over 200 professions of faith.

It was also a great week as we had the opportunity to work with our new missionary in Nicaragua, Rodrigo Diaz and his wife, Miriam who will be starting a new campus in Managua to reach a different part of the population of Managua. We ask for your prayers for this, as we will all be challenged in this process. God is an awesome and faithful God, and we are humbled that he is willing to use us to spread and share his incredible message of salvation. We also have many challenges for 2013, and we ask for your continued prayer support. Specifically, we are trying to move Managua and Costa Rica towards being self-sustaining as the offerings in both churches have been really low, so that we can focus on the starting of new works within Latin America. Our biggest and most exciting news for 2013, is that we will be sending David Guadron and Alex Hernandez to Bogota, Colombia to plant the 5th MetroAmerica church. Bogota has over 8 million people, and is very receptive to the gospel, so we are excited with this opportunity God has given us to reach people in this city. Please pray for this new work, and that God will continue to use us to win people for his kingdom and to continue raising up more workers for the harvest.

We appreciate your faithfulness in prayer and support and your desire to minister with us as we try and reach the lost and start churches in the MetroAmerica 020 area.

Allred Missions Letter (January 2013)

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Mexico, Missions

Dec. 2012/ Jan. 2013 Newsletter

Dear Prayer Partners,

We had the biggest Christmas services EVER this year— Praise the Lord, and thank you for your prayers! South Merida estimates 70 and the village work approximately 50 in attendance at their special services – with several new families at each church. At the North Merida we had planned an evangelistic program and meal for 300. We had already prepared all of the teachers, choir, children, teens, and kitchen crew that they would need to wait outside or upstairs for their turn in the program to allow seats for all the guests. But, God did greater than anything we ever imagined and sent us 480 people that night, saved 15, and multiplied the food to feed everyone!!! There were people sitting in laps or in the floor, and standing EVERYWHERE there was an available inch of floor space! We’ve had three new families attending so far in January as a result.

Please also join us in praying for these specific prayer requests at this time:

1) Out in the village church, several of the new Christians are suffering great persecution. Please pray for them to stand firm in their new faith and for them to also be able to reach their loved ones with the gospel.

2) The paperwork that we’ve needed in order to buy property for South Merida is finally looking very positive — it looks as though it will actually be completed by June of this year. Please pray that the Lord will provide the proper papers, the money, and the wisdom to know if we should buy the building this church has been meeting in these past 3 1/2 years. We would love to be able to purchase not only that building, but the lot next to it to allow for building expansion.

3) The next several months are filled with evangelistic events in the 3 churches — including a mission’s conference, ladies’ and men’s retreats, Easter plays, Kid’s Day programs, youth outreaches in parks, singles’ events, etc. Please pray that many souls will be saved and many new families will join the churches as a result!

God bless each of you,

Larry and Tammy Allred

You can find us on the web and view our Spanish services at:,, or We also have an English website at: where you can download the “Update 2012” to view and share with your church.

Eberhard Missions Letter (January 2013)

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Kenya, Missions

January 2013,

Dear Pastor. Mark Brown, and First Bible Baptist Church

Emmah says yes to Jesus for 2013

Three months ago Emmah came to Kiambu Bible Baptist Church from a Catholic church. We had the privilege to meet her when I preached there on Dec 31. She decided to give her life to Christ after the service. Emmah is like many Kenyan People, they have a religious association but no relationship with Jesus Christ. This is why we are here, to share to Good News!

Loy Started Bible College in January

Loy told us at recent meeting that he would like to train to be a preacher. He has been preaching in his high school for few years now. In December he finished his High School. In January he moved to the campus of Baptist Bible College. He is sponsored by one or our supporters whose desire it is to see men trained for the gospel ministry. I have men waiting for scholarships/sponsor. For $50 a month for 3 years you can support a Pastor to train at Baptist Bible College Nairobi Kenya!

Malea returned to Kenya with her husband David!

We had the wonderful privilege for two weeks in January to show Malea and David the ministry and beauty of Kenya! Pray for them as they finish school at Baptist Bible College in Springfield.

Who will be the last one to be saved!

On the way to the airport to pick up Malea and David, late at night, we followed a young man as he rode out of town on the back of a fast moving gas truck. The mud flap read “LAST MAN” We thought it was crazy for him to hang on as the fuel truck picked up speed leaving town. It made me think of the soon coming day when the “last man” will be saved and we go to heaven to be with Jesus. We are working to win as many as we can before HIS return. Even so come Lord JESUS!

Prayer & Praise: We are closing on the land purchase in Nalondo. Now we are saving for land for our church plant in Zimmerman. Thanks to those who have helped this month! If you can help, please pray about how much. This is our first church to help plant and we would like to help them to get a permanent place before we return to the states in June 2013. We still need $8,000 to reach our goal of $25,000.

In His Service, Jim & Sybil Eberhard

Thank you for your support in December and January.

Received: $ 200

Yohannes Missions Letter (January 2013)

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions, Zambia

YOHANNES (John & KIDIST (Kid) Getaneh)

Missionaries to the DEAF IN ZAMBIA

P.O. Box 50352. Losoka. Zambia

Tel/Fax 260211252423

Mobile 260966953014



Dear Praying friends, January 2013

I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day. 2Tim. 1:3

It is with a great joy to write to you from Zambia Africa. The Lord brought us to the New Year 2013 with new vision, new challenge and another year to serve. What a privilege! My family and I are grateful for your prayers, support and love.

As we look back 2012, I praise the Lord for what the Lord had done in Zambia. We had a total of 310 deaf saved, 189 baptized. We had water well dug and submersible pump was installed. Our school won two National Sports events and got trophy. We enrolled 5 more bible college students.

The New Year has come with its own blessings. With the new vision, The Deaf Bible Baptist Church of Lusaka sent a deaf missionary to Mpika to open a new church in January. The deaf church raised $100 to the pastor and sent him on public transport. Mpika is 638km north of Lusaka. It was a blessing to see the joy of the members to give to missions the little they have. During his first meeting in Mpika, Paul reported 31 deaf saved. Praise the Lord!

I praise the Lord for all our Deaf pastors for their faithfulness in serving the Lord. In January 2013 a total of 33 deaf saved and 18 baptized in the provinces.

Our grade 7 students at Faith Baptist Community School for the Deaf, yet again passed the grade 7 national exam with flying colors. This will be for the 7th consecutive years that our students 100% pass. I want to take this opportunity to thank you sponsors for changing the lives of these dear kids both physically and spiritually. So far out of our 112 deaf students, 73 of them received the Lord Jesus Christ as their savior and baptized. William, one of the 15t students we have completed grade 12 and leading a church in Kabanana. Many of the children are in the choir and very active in the service of the Lord. Thank you for supporting the kids.

Please pray for Zambia. Many farmers had to plant for the second time after an army worm destroyed their crops. The government helped many to replant by supplying seeds and fertilizer. Some of our deaf in the village also are affected.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Thank you for being a part of this ministry.

Serving the King of Kings

Yohannes, Kidist, Leah, Yafet and Bemenet

Please if you are receiving this by mail and you would like receive it by email, send me your email to It will help us to communicate fast and better on costs.

To send support, send it to BIO, P.O.Box 587, Jefferson City, TN 37760 Phone 865-262-0900

Acts 1:8 … In Action!

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

On March 10th, Duane and Teresa Allen, along with their two younger children Libby and Thadd, traveled to Austin, Texas to visit Benji and Christine Edwards, former members of FBBC. As active members of First Bible Baptist Church, Duane and Teresa Allen sing as a part of the worship team on Sunday mornings. Duane also directs the FBBC Choir and teaches Awaken, one of FBBC’c Adult Bible Communities. Because of Duane’s associations, Benji and Christine are now members of the Church on Congress Avenue. When the announcement was made Benji and Christine were moving to Texas, Duane messaged Benji and the Worship pastor, Aaron, of the church explaining to them they should meet and get to know each other. Aaron has known Duane and Teresa for 15 years.

After Benji and Christine moved down to Texas and settled in, Duane and Teresa and their family traveled to Texas to visit them for a week. They left on March 10th and stayed until March 17th. Teresa was asked to be the keynote speaker at the church’s Ladies Luncheon. At first, Teresa was told to choose her own topic, however later she was asked to speak on prayer. FBBC’s pastor Mark Brown was doing a series of prayer in church at the time. Teresa prayed and asked the Lord for guidance for what she was to say to the ladies and asked God to work through her. When talking with her she described the time as time to be comforted by God and a sweet time of feeling held by our Heavenly Father. She was able to speak to and bless the women of the church with the words God provided her with. She said, “It was a blessed time of ministering to other women, and a celebration of the two churches coming together to worship God.”  When she spoke, she focused on many passages. However, a key point of her speech was A.C.T.S., an acronym she wanted the ladies to remember. It stands for Adoration, Confession, Thankfulness, and Supplication.

The Church on Congress Avenue is over 100 years old. Duane expressed his joy to see the church with new life despite the age. Duane and Teresa described the area as an open mission field and the church has many opportunities to reach out to the community. One opportunity the church had was made available due to the efforts of Benji and Aaron. Every year Austin has a festival called South by SouthWest. It is a festival for film, music, and art. Benji and Aaron arranged for the church to have a stage to perform on. The church brought in local Christian bands, and performers, as well as local radio stations. Duane and his daughter Libby both sang at the festival. The family also sang in the church services while they were there.

The Allens, the Edwards, and the Church on Congress Avenue are following Acts 1:8. They were ministering to “Jerusalem, and Judea”, the areas close to home. God doesn’t call every Christian to some far off place, across seas, and deep in jungles away from civilization. Even places in America where churches and a chance to hear the Gospel areabundant, many people in our neighborhoods have still not heard how to have a relationship with Jesus. By using the festival in Texas as a witnessing opportunity, the church was able to present the Gospel through Christian music to people who may have never heard about a life with Christ. The Lord used the Allen Family to minister to the Edwards, and the Edwards have been a blessing to The Church on Congress Avenue in Texas. The message of Acts 1:8 is to minister where you are. It is always a blessing to hear stories of Christians being used for God’s will, and being willing to be used.

By Megan Alexander

Edited by Mindi Patterson

Missionary Wednesday Night (1/27/2013)

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

Larry and Charlotte Franklin

Larry & Charlotte Franklin

Join us on the last Wednesday of January for our Missionary Wednesday Night with the Franklins. The Franklins are members of our church and we have supported them from the start in their missionary journeys. We want to be an Acts 1:8 church of passion and help them as they continue to invest in children and teachers of children all over the country and internationally.

MINISTRY: International Children’s Missionary Enterprises

I.C.M.E. is a multifaceted, worldwide ministry based out of Lee’s Summit, Missouri, located near Kansas City.

I.C.M.E. is a local church generated ministry resulting from the concern for children and the lack of basic materials often encountered as Larry and Charlotte traveled into other parts of the world on mission trips. As they saw the dedication of the teachers and felt their frustration of not knowing how to accomplish the burden of their hearts to teach their own students, God put it into their hearts to use what he had given them through 40 years of local church children’s ministry experiences.

Since children can remember much of what they see, hear, say or do, teachers need visuals to help teach them. As the Lord supplies the funds Larry and Charlotte are able to provide, at no cost to the missionary, such things as overhead projectors, screens, training books, Bibles, tracts, new heavy-duty flannel graphs, Vacation Bible School materials, and other items. These items are shipped post paid or taken by Larry and Charlotte as they travel.

The Hildebrand Family

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

About the Hildebrand Family

The Hildebrand FamilyBill and Jennifer Hildebrand and their four sons, Braden, Preston, Landon, and Trevon, have served as missionaries at the Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya since July 2010.

The Academy is a boarding school for children of missionaries who cannot take them to their field locations for various reasons, such as safety, health, culture, education, etc. The Hildebrands mentor, counsel and teach these students, and help them develop a daily, intimate walk with Jesus Christ.

Bill has a dual BS major in Bible and Human Resources from Calvary Bible College, 2001, and an MS in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary, 2009. He has been in full-time youth ministry for over 25 years.

Learn more about their family and ministry on their Web site.

Listen to the recent message preached by Bill Hildebrand.

      1. 20121128-missionary-to-Kenya--Bill-Hildebrand.mp3

Watch some videos posted by Bill Hildebrand on Vimeo.

Special Speaker on Wednesday (11/28)!

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

The Hildebrand Family

Helping shape lives that will change the future.

Bill Hildebrand, missionary to Kenya, will be here on Wednesday, November 28th. He will be telling us all about what God is doing at the Rift Valley Academy and in the Hildebrand family’s lives.

Listen to the recent message preached by Bill Hildebrand.

      1. 20121128-missionary-to-Kenya--Bill-Hildebrand.mp3

About the Hildebrand Family

The Hildebrand FamilyBill and Jennifer Hildebrand and their four sons, Braden, Preston, Landon, and Trevon, have served as missionaries at the Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya since July 2010.

The Academy is a boarding school for children of missionaries who cannot take them to their field locations for various reasons, such as safety, health, culture, education, etc. The Hildebrands mentor, counsel and teach these students, and help them develop a daily, intimate walk with Jesus Christ.

Bill has a dual BS major in Bible and Human Resources from Calvary Bible College, 2001, and an MS in Christian Studies from Calvary Theological Seminary, 2009. He has been in full-time youth ministry for over 25 years.

Learn more about their family and ministry on their Web site.

Watch some videos posted by Bill Hildebrand on Vimeo.