Allred Missions Letter (January 2013)
Dec. 2012/ Jan. 2013 Newsletter
Dear Prayer Partners,
We had the biggest Christmas services EVER this year— Praise the Lord, and thank you for your prayers! South Merida estimates 70 and the village work approximately 50 in attendance at their special services – with several new families at each church. At the North Merida we had planned an evangelistic program and meal for 300. We had already prepared all of the teachers, choir, children, teens, and kitchen crew that they would need to wait outside or upstairs for their turn in the program to allow seats for all the guests. But, God did greater than anything we ever imagined and sent us 480 people that night, saved 15, and multiplied the food to feed everyone!!! There were people sitting in laps or in the floor, and standing EVERYWHERE there was an available inch of floor space! We’ve had three new families attending so far in January as a result.
Please also join us in praying for these specific prayer requests at this time:
1) Out in the village church, several of the new Christians are suffering great persecution. Please pray for them to stand firm in their new faith and for them to also be able to reach their loved ones with the gospel.
2) The paperwork that we’ve needed in order to buy property for South Merida is finally looking very positive — it looks as though it will actually be completed by June of this year. Please pray that the Lord will provide the proper papers, the money, and the wisdom to know if we should buy the building this church has been meeting in these past 3 1/2 years. We would love to be able to purchase not only that building, but the lot next to it to allow for building expansion.
3) The next several months are filled with evangelistic events in the 3 churches — including a mission’s conference, ladies’ and men’s retreats, Easter plays, Kid’s Day programs, youth outreaches in parks, singles’ events, etc. Please pray that many souls will be saved and many new families will join the churches as a result!
God bless each of you,
Larry and Tammy Allred
You can find us on the web and view our Spanish services at:,, or We also have an English website at: where you can download the “Update 2012” to view and share with your church.