Posts Tagged ‘Zambia’

Guest Missionaries on October 17th!

Written by firstbible_admin. Posted in Missions

The Jalowiec FamilyThe Jalowiec Family

Join us as we welcome Dan and Janice Jalowiec and their beautiful family back to First Bible on Wednesday, October 17th (7pm in the Fellowship Hall).

They are a family of seven that has heeded the Lord’s call to bring the gospel to the country of Zambia, Africa.

“This is truly humbling, and we are excited that the Lord has clearly shown us how he wants to use our family to fulfill The Great Commission. We are currently traveling on deputation presenting our ministry to raise prayer and financial support. We are thrilled with everything that the Lord has showed us thus far, we are expectantly looking forward to see His mighty hand continuing to work in our lives. Our calling is not to do anything of or for ourselves, but to daily strive to bring honor and glory to the King of kings, the One we serve, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

You can learn more about their mission and ministry at Reaching Zambia for Christ.

Mulu Shawni? How Are You in Lamba – by Bryon Callaway

Written by randyadams. Posted in Missions, Zambia

Bryon in ZambiaAll I can really say is “Unbelievable”! God is good! This has been one of the most wonderful things that I have experienced. The elephants, baboons, Victoria Falls, leopard, wart hogs, etc… were all great to see and witness. I have to say that bungee jumping was the craziest thing that I have ever done. You have to be a little out of wack when you pay money to jump off a perfectly good bridge. They are moments that I will always treasure, but they truly pale in comparison to what God is doing in the lives of our team and the people of Zambia. God is truly at work. I have heard one of the most wonderful sounds that I have ever heard. When the Zambian children and adults sing, they sing to the Lord and the harmony is amazing. This afternoon before our second activity session the children had song and memory verse competitions. Each church that is involved in the VBS has been practicing for countless hours memorizing chapters in the Bible. Not verses but chapters. They come in the tabernacle (the place where we all meet for teaching) dancing slow in a line sing memory verses. Once they get up on the stage they will recite partial chapters and some full chapters. To see these children truly hide God’s word in their heart was not only inspiring but also convicting.

It is hard to believe that we are this far into our trip. God has allowed me to build  some eternal relationship that I will always be thankful for, adults and children. One thing that I know is I have seen joy in the midst of poverty. We think that we come and teach others in foreign lands but if we are honest with ourselves it is really the other way around.

Continue to pray for the work that God is doing in the beautiful land of Zambia. I can assure you that we are all coming back changed and closer to Jesus. Thank you all for you prayers.

In Christ We Win,
Bryon Callaway
Proverbs 22:6     

Trust – by Crystal Chiddix

Written by randyadams. Posted in Missions, Zambia

The Missions Team in ZambiaHonestly I’m not even sure where to begin. Let me start by saying that God is so good. He is so faithful, so loving, so generous, so merciful, and gracious. I could go on forever about how awesome our Lord is. I have been so humbled, and so challenged this week. I have done things that I never thought I would do, and have been out of my comfort zone most of this trip. Without a doubt this trip has been a turning point in my life and I have loved every minute of it. I could go on and on about how wonderful the people are, how different the culture is, and how incredibly blessed we are. I could go on about how I have so much, how I have been so incredibly blessed and never really realized how much so. Instead, I want to share with you how faithful God is.

Each evening for VBS we sing, perform skits, and teach the kids about Jesus. I was  informed a couple months ago that I would be teaching on Sunday night. I was given the theme of “See Me. Who Jesus is”. The scripture that I was given was John 1:29-34. At first I was excited but as I began to pray and prepare I began to feel discouraged. The more I studied and prayed the more lost I felt. I was even seeking wise council, but I still had nothing. I had no idea how I would teach and illustrate this lesson. In fact, I did not even have a complete lesson plan until Saturday! Yes, the day before I teach I finally feel as if I have my lesson together. I have never struggled this much with teaching. I absolutely love teaching so needless to say this was difficult for me. I am always in such a hurry and I always want things to happen in my timing instead of God’s timing. I trust myself and my own abilities instead of God’s power. I thank the Lord for teaching me that he is always faithful, and that I can do nothing apart from him. You see, I wanted my lesson to come together in my timing, and in my own way. I had to put myself aside and allow the Holy Spirit to lead me instead of me taking the lead. Of course it went well because God is sovereign, Amen?! I had to put my life verses into action. John. 15:5 “….for without me ye can do nothing.” Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Philippians 4:13 ” I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” These are all familiar verses but God has shown me the power of these verses this summer like I have never known before. I will share one last thing before I conclude. While we were in Livingston I had the opportunity to go bungee jumping. I never thought that I would ever have the opportunity to do this let alone actually do it. Of course I was terrified (we have video to prove it) and right before they guided me to the edge I said Phil. 4:13 in my heart over and over. I knew I could not do it without the Lord. I realized that I can’t do anything without him. Whether it be jumping off a bridge or teaching a Bible lesson to over 800 kids. I must put all my trust in the Lord.

Finally – What We Came For

Written by randyadams. Posted in Missions, Zambia

We had a great time in Livingstone, but we have finally made it to Kafulafuta.  It was a long day.  We left Livingstone at 5 AM and made it to the Mission at about 6:30 PM.  We are all very tired, but glad to be here.

Tomorrow we hit the ground running.  Randy & Bryon will be preaching at bush churches and the rest of the team will be attending churches there as well.  Everyone is anxious and can’t wait to get doing what we came here for.  We truly did have a great time at the Falls and on the Safari, but this is why we are here and we are ready to begin.  Please pray for us as we preach, teach the VBS, play the games, work in the dental clinic and just love on the Zambian people.

Thank you again for your continued prayer through this journey.

Love you all,


We Are Here – Day at Livingstone

Written by randyadams. Posted in Missions, Zambia

We have made it to Zambia.  Currently we are in Livingstone.  WIFI has been very difficult, so my apologizes.  But as we say here in Zambia – TIZ (This Is Zambia).  It has been hard to communicate with the outside world.  It has been funny to watch the team go through technology withdrawal (me Included). 

We did our Safari yesterday.  Totally amazing the things we saw.  Got to see a Leopard catch a Whort Hog and kill it.  You know it is something special when your tour guide is breaking out his camera.  Today we will be going to the Falls.  Tomorrow, 12 hours in a small bus to the Mission.  Pray for safe travels. 

We will try to update this as often as possible.  Thank you for your continued prayers.  We love you all.
