You Fill ‘Em and He’ll Wax ‘Em!
All right my friends, we need your help! We need LOTS of candy in order to be ready for the Trunk-or-Treaters that will be arriving at First Bible on Saturday, October 27th. Please help us with our Candy Challenge (download Trunk or Treat Candy Challenge PDF).
Begin the challenge!
The Candy Challenge begins September 30th and ends October 21st. Bring your bags of candy on Sundays and Wednesdays into FaithPlace and fill the containers.
If you fill ’em, Mr. Bryon will wax ’em!
Last year you donated enough candy that Mr. Bryon had to shave his head! This year, if you donate enough candy, Mr. Bryon will wax his hairy legs!
Thank you in advance for all of your help in making our Tenth Annual Trunk or Treat a success.
Tags: Candy Challenge, Trunk or Treat
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