Vacation Bible Sports Camp
2019 THEME
Our theme for this year is “Do It Right” and is based on a passage in the New Testament book of Colossians. “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men” (Colossians 3:23).
As always, Vacation Bible Sports Camp is FREE! Online registration is currently open. Use the button above to go to the registration form.
VBSC is for children age five through 12. (Children must turn five by August 1st or not turn 13 before August 1st.)
Dates and Times
The camp runs from Tuesday, June 11th through Friday, June 14th. Each daily session is from 9am until 1pm.
Check In and Pick Up
Please check in on Tuesday, June 11th at 8:45am in the ADP SportsPark pavilion. Pick up will be at 1pm in the patio area next to the church coffee house.
Please have your child dress for both indoor and outdoor activities.